
Live on the wild side of life, plant your wildflower meadow today!

We all have a wild streak so why not add a wild streak to your garden this September and give nature a helping hand. Wildflowers can make a great addition to your garden with their contrasting colours, not to mention they will attract new pollinator friends. It’s important to consider a more natural style of gardening and to make your garden more bio versatile. The UK has lost 98% of wildflower habitats since World War two, so what better way to help your home, than by adding these natural beauties to your garden. Not sure where to start, no worries we will take you through picking your seeds to the how’s and when’s.

What will work best for you! Firstly, decide where you would like to plant your new meadow. Look into how fertile or poor your soil is this will help narrow down your options.  Perennial meadows tend to thrive best in poor soil, this helps the wildflowers as it does not have to compete with the grasses. Annual type meadows preferer rich soils, ideal if you are planning to convert a pre-existing border.

Instore we have great wildflower scatter boxes filled with carefully selected wildflowers seeds, that create sensational mixed displays. 

Wild cornfield annuals, a mix of Corn Chamomile, Corn Cockle, Cornflower, Corn Marigold, Poppy. Perfect if your looking for an easy-growing mix and are beneficial to bees and other pollinators.

Fragrant Mix contains beautifully fragrant flowers such as  Alyssum, Candy Tuft, Carnation, Cornflower,  Garden Verbena, Petunia Grandiflora, Stocks and Sweet Pea. Perfect to add a burst of colour as well as fragrance to your garden.

For our customers who like to keep to their favourite colour, we have collections for specific colours, pink, yellow and blue. Our Yellow Mix Contains, Antirrhinum majus nanum, Calendula officinalis, Callistephus chinensis, Coreopsis basalis, Cosmos sulphureus and Eschscholzia California just to name a few. 

I’ve picked my pack but what comes next? Prepare your area for planting. Clearing away all existing plants, grass and weeds, weeding should be done by hand where possible. Check that your soil is light and well-drained, and make sure to dig and break up the soil. Allow 6 weeks for the soil to settle and for any final weeds to germinate so you can remove them before sowing. 

Firm and rake your desired spot to create seedbeds.  Scatter your seeds thinly and evenly over your patches of watered soil. To help ensure your seeds are scattered evenly, sow half lengthways and half widthways. Rake or lightly press in your seeds, water, and leave them to grow naturally. If don’t have much space in your garden, you can still grow wildflowers in pots or window boxes.

I have my meadow sown but what now? Prepare yourself to protect your seeds. Netting can help deter birds and cats. Water smaller areas in dry spells until established, but large areas can be left until rain returns. Cut your Annual Wildflowers back in late summer to autumn. Wait until flowering has ended and the flowers brown off and die. You can leave your meadow over winter to self-seed, or you can shake your flowers over the ground when cutting back, releasing the seeds for next year.

Now you know how to pick your meadow, plant it, and care for it. So go forth and create your wild corner in your garden this September. Helping your environment one bloom at a time.

Phyllis says wildflowers are her favourite as they invite buzzing bumblebees and beautiful butterflies into the garden. Helping more flowers to grow and gives Phyllis new friends to chase about. 

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